Category Lms Lang

LMS LANG is the Language-related services Unit of LMS. Therefore, all articles in this category will be related to the various LMS LANG services including:

English/French Training Programmes. They are offered both online and onsite in Benin Republic or in Ghana. In addition, they can take the form of an ordinary or intensive training. Furthermore, they can be carried out as a group or a one on one customized training);
Translation of Legal, Business, Medical, IT, and official documents such as Certificates, Degrees, Bank Statements, and Transcripts;
The translation of websites from a language to another;
Audiovisual Translation including Dubbing and Subtitling. On the one hand, dubbing is simply the process of translating foreign-language films into the audience’s language. On the other hand, subtitling is the translation of foreign language dialogue shown at the bottom of the screen in a film or a television programme;
Voice-over which is a production technique. A voice which is not part of the narrative is read from a script and may be spoken by someone who appears elsewhere in the production.
Interpretation (LMS offers different types of interpretation including Consecutive Interpretation, Simultaneous interpretation, Chuchotage, Liaison, On phone Interpretation both remotely or on site);
MTPE which actually stands for Machine Translation Post Editing, and also known as automated translation. It is a process through which a translation is beforehand entirely carried out by a computer using Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools and later on revised by an expert to make the work faster.
English/French documents review ;
English/French Immersion Programmes for kids and adults. On the one hand, the English immersion takes place in Ghana, in South Africa, or in the UK. On the other hand, the French immersion takes place in Benin Republic, in Côte d’Ivoire, or in France.


Introduction Love Principle

Introduction Dear friend, Thank you for choosing to start this journey with me. You might ask yourself what the main reason behind this program is, right?  In fact, facing many life challenges, I decided to discover what life really is,…

Introduction Life Principles

Introduction Dear friend, Thank you for choosing to start this journey with me. You might ask yourself what the main reason behind this program is, right?  In fact, facing many life challenges, I decided to discover what life really is,…